Discover the big disconnects in performance management today in the 2024 State of Performance Enablement report.

Betterworks Go

The self-starter solution — bringing modern performance management software to your small business — just got more affordable with our special promotional pricing.

Simple, Flexible, Scaleable.

Betterworks Go is a self-service goal alignment and performance management platform for teams of 5 to 500 people. It has everything you need to get started with Betterworks’ Goals and Conversations in a small organization.


List price of $7 Per user Per Month (PUPM)

Set, align, and track goals with everyone on the team

Integrate seamlessly with everyday tools like Slack or Gmail

Conduct continuous coaching and performance conversations

Start today with easy self-service implementation

Get the support you need with anytime access to an online knowledge base, templates, and community support

Features List

Performance Essentials
Pre-Built & Custom Templates for Conversations
Pre-Built & Custom Templates for Feedback
Goal Setting
1:1 Meetings
HR Insights
Manager Insights
Execution Insights
Advanced Analytics
Professional Services & Support
Designated Customer Success Manager
Professional Services Program Design
Signature Support Services
Change Management Services
Self-Implemented and Configured by Customer
Technical Support
Access to Knowledge Base
Access to Video Training Modules Admins
Access to Video Training Modules End Users
HRIS + API Integrations Available
HRIS (generic connector)
API key access
UKG Speak with Support
Others See Integrations Page
Third Party Integrations Available
MS Teams
LinkedIn Learning


What is Betterworks GO?

Betterworks Go is a self-service goal alignment and performance management platform for teams of 5 to 1000 people. It has everything you need to get started with Betterworks’ Goals and Conversations in a small organization.

Can I run a full performance management program in Betterworks Go?

Yes you can! Betterworks Go offers you the capability to design and run a full performance enablement program at your company.

Where do I begin with creating a performance management program?

There are many ways to design a program and ultimately is depends on your company. We do provide some framework on our blog that you can reference.

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Employee Performance

What is the difference between Performance Management and Performance Enablement?

Great question. Performance management is the traditional way of looking at performance, typically annually. Performance Enablement is the modern way. To get a better understanding we recommend visiting our blog post which goes in depth into the differences.

Performance Enablement is the New Performance Management

Performance Enablement in the Modern Workplace

I have a few questions on the integrations, who can I speak with?

You can send an email to and we get back to you.

I still have questions who can I speak with?

You can send an email to and we get back to you.

Can I request an offline quote?

Please send an email to and we get back to you.

Ready to get started?